Stepping-up Agriculture Through AI (Artificial Intelligence)
AI is redefining the traditional pattern of agriculture. The future of AI in agriculture is way ahead in offering with advanced approaches.

Impact of Global Warming and Climate Change On Agriculture
As our climate continues to heat up and the impacts of that warming grow more frequently and severely, the farming communities around the world will be increasingly challenged.

Wasteland Management through Silvi-pastoral System
Silvipastoral system is an integrated approach to sustainable land use management by planting of multipurpose trees with grasses and/ or legumes and their utilization followed by in situ grazing by livestock.

Do we really need a private extension system in agriculture?
The farmers these days need instant information which can hardly be met by the present system extension. To overcome this problem the concept of privatizing extension has been thought off.

Vertical Farming: The Next Generation Farming
In vertical farms crops are accrued in stacked layers in a tower like structure with the perfect light level in the room through an ideal combination of natural and artificial lights.

Myths & Reality About Genetically Modified (GMO) Crops
Genes are located in chromosomes, usually called as units of inheritance and that are passed from one generation to the next and provide instructions for growth and development of the organism. A gene is a sequence of DNA that contains information that governs a particular characteristic/trait. Crops that are developed through genetic modification are referred…

Importance of Seed Quality in Enhancing Crop Production in Agriculture
Quality seed insures good germination, rapid emergence, and vigorous growth. Better the seed, better will be the crop produce

Advantages of Durum Wheat Cultivation
Cultivation of Durum gives an opportunity for farmers in India to make use of crop varieties and indigenous technologies available for increased profitability and a fulfilling farming career.

Durum Wheat – A Boost of Nutrients in Processed Food
Durum wheat (Triticum durum L.) is an economically important crop grown worldwide including India. It is being cultivated in 10 to 11% of world area and accounts about 8% of the total wheat production.