Month: August 2020

Importance of Seed Quality in Enhancing Crop Production in Agriculture

Importance of Seed Quality in Enhancing Crop Production in Agriculture

Quality seed insures good germination, rapid emergence, and vigorous growth. Better the seed, better will be the crop produce

Advantages of Durum Wheat Cultivation

Advantages of Durum Wheat Cultivation

Cultivation of Durum gives an opportunity for farmers in India to make use of crop varieties and indigenous technologies available for increased profitability and a fulfilling farming career.

Durum Wheat – A Boost of Nutrients in Processed Food

Durum Wheat – A Boost of Nutrients in Processed Food

Durum wheat (Triticum durum L.) is an economically important crop grown worldwide including India. It is being cultivated in 10 to 11% of world area and accounts about 8% of the total wheat production.